Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Carving pumpkins

We carved pumpkins Saturday morning. We forgot to bring them in the night before and they were freezing! I think my fingers had early stages of frostbite after cleaning the junk out of the insides!
While Brent and I cleaned all 6 pumpkins out the kids painted their mini pumpkins. They loved doing that and we didn't love the mess. They were happy and having fun and that is what matters most. Hudson was a trooper and watched for a while. He had enough and took a nap about half way through. After painting their pumpkins the three older kids lost most interest as well! They were content to come check on our progress once in a while! I told Brent that next year our limit is two pumpkins. None of this all day carving party business! In case it isn't clear enough, Brent carved a smurf and eye ball. I carved the happy face and some fancy letters to spell BOO that didn't make it out to the porch. They landed in the garbage can.
Maybe next year we will let the kids decide what to carve...maybe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love all the costumes. Hudson even looks pretty serious about his outfit :)
love you guys