Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a pretty great Halloween with minimal stress and tears! We first dressed up for Grandma and Grandpa Welling's party on Saturday night. Corbin didn't love wearing his costume that he had picked out months ago and I was worried. We quickly fixed what was bugging him and he was a happy camper once again.
The plan was to just dress up for trick-or-treating but when Bridger was all dressed for school the other two wanted to get in their costumes as well!
Enjoy the pictures of our little spooks!

All ready for school! Keep in mind that they have eaten, brushed teeth, and gotten dressed all before 8:45AM! I was impressed with us!!

This is what happened when we tried to get Hudson in the picture. He wasn't interested. The fireplace looked much more appealing! Of course, Reagan is right there telling us that Hudson is not cooperating!

Bridger's school had a little Halloween program and costume parade. Each grade sang a song and then walked around the gym. It was fun to see all the costumes. Most of the teachers got in on the fun too. Bridger's teacher was a graduate.

A few people in our ward didn't recognize him with his black hair. He loved having a different hair color for a day. Luckily it washed out really easy. We love our red headed Bridger.

After the school parade we came home, Brent had physical therapy, Corbin had preschool, went to lunch, and tried desperately to get littles to take naps. There was too much excitement in the air for that though.

Hudson dressed up. He got his own picture since he missed the festivities in the morning.

Ninja Hudson, Funny hamburger Corbin, Scary vampire Bridger, and Cute witch Reagan
(those are the labels that they gave themselves!)
All ready for trick-or-treating. For the night festivities Corbin wanted his face painted brown. He was a little disappointed that his hair didn't get sprayed black too. To compromise I spiked it up with gel. He thought that was just as funny as having it colored. We hit the down town trick-or-treat and then we went to a few aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We also went to a few houses around our neighborhood. By then we were losing parts of costumes and enthusiasm so we headed down to Grandma Lake's for some pizza and relaxing.

Whew! It was fun. Let the holiday season begin!

We were so lucky (blessed, whatever you want to call it) with great weather! There was no need to dress the kids in all their winter clothing under their costumes. It only got chilly toward the end of the night and we were done anyway so it didn't matter!

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