Monday, October 10, 2011

The party!

We ordered the best pinata ever! It had pull strings so there was no bat or blindfold necessary. Only one ribbon was the magic one that released the candy. The suspense was killing all of us. Everyone got in on the action. The best part is that I didn't have to figure out where to hang it. I could just hold it for everyone to give a pull!

Telling everyone how old she is. Sporting the cute flower Grandma T gave to her.

I love her expression in this picture. She had just blown out her candles and she couldn't believe it!

Opening presents with the help of big brother. He was quite disappointed when we told him he couldn't just open all of them for her. She was once again super excited for all of her presents. She quickly caught on that she couldn't play with anything right away so she would open it, look at it, and quickly throw it on the ground. She loved the money and had some great expressions while opening presents.

Our little two year old. She chose to stay in her church dress all day. Right down to the tights. She had to have them back on after getting her diaper changed. Whatever floats your boat, missy, whatever floats your boat!

The table decorations. Thanks to Angie for the 'R' and name embroidery. She made those for Reagan when she was born and they worked out perfect! I am in love with the tissue paper pom-poms. It took me a few tries but I figured out the perfect size. So fun to decorate with!

I think she had a pretty good birthday. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate, called, sent cards. She had fun.
Reagan at two:
She has spunk all her own. she enjoys pushing her brother's buttons. Our favorite thing that she says is "bebuzz". If you ask her why for anything she usually answers with "bebuzz or buzz". We love it. She might be a little bossy. She is a wonderful sleeper. I don't want to jinx her sleeping habits so we will leave it at that. She loves bags and dollies and her blanket. She climbs on the counter like a champ. We just love her.

1 comment:

Emily K. said...

Gosh, Collette, you're super skinny!! Good job! And, it seems like you just had your baby girl! What is she doing turning 2 already? I love that she's so spunky too. She's adorable.