Wednesday, October 19, 2011


To start our fall break we took a little drive to Lehi and went to Cornbelly's cornmaze and pumpkin patch. It was perfect. The crowds were minimal because it was a Thursday night. The activities for the kids were perfect. Everyone had a blast and we had no major meltdowns/blowups or blow outs!

We walked through the mini corn maze. I really can't imagine if it had been busy! The kids had so much fun finding their way to the end (which was really the beginning). Perfect for little smalls.

After we made it out of the corn maze they went for a ride on the cow train. Reagan was really brave until it came time to actually get in and she decided she didn't want to go. The boys loved having their own seats and riding by themselves. They are both getting so big!

After the train ride we watched some pigs race and let the kids just go to town on all the fun kid stuff to do. They loved the bouncy slides and the big "pillows".

Such a fun place. We will definitely be going back there. To top the night off we went to JCW's for dinner (our favorite in Lehi) and Cabela's for a little winter coat shopping. The kids were in love with all the animals and fish at Cabela's. Once again they were pretty darn good. No major fits that scarred me into not taking them anywhere again!

Only a couple of weeks left to cross some fun stuff off of our fall to-do list.Family pictures next week and then caramel apples and pumpkin carving need to happen really soon...and then the great costume reveal! Such a fun time of year. It seems like it is just flying by. At least we are enjoying it!!

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