Monday, October 10, 2011

She's had a birthday....shout hooray!

Reagan turned two on Saturday. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that she is ONLY two. I think she is two going on about 6 1/2. All week she practiced holding up two fingers. I think she was a little bit excited for her birthday.

Her day started out opening a present at breakfast. She, literally, jumped for joy and squealed when she came out of her bedroom and saw a present at her place at the table.

She got a doll that giggles just like she does. We heard it all day long. I think Reagan thinks she is crying because she rocks the baby so tenderly as the baby is laughing a deep belly laugh.

There were donuts for breakfast, McDonald's for lunch, and the Chinese buffet for dinner. Hey, what can I say, we celebrate with food!

After dinner we went to Red Box and picked out a movie. Well, the only one left, that we didn't already own, was Rio. Then the kids picked out a treat and we had a movie night.

This is Reagan dancing a long with the birds on the movie. We need some video of her moves. They are awesome!
Enjoying some popcorn. Popcorn, kids, and carpet always end in disaster. I guess when its your birthday spilled popcorn is allowed!

We partied the next day.


Melissa M said...

I can't believe shes two! Seems like yesterday we stopped in to the hospital to meet her! She sure is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I love Her so much!! Happy birthday To her. Looks like it was a super fun day.

Brittany said...

holy cow! i can't believe reagan is two! where does the time go?! she is such a doll. i love her hair do, so cute! happy birthday little girl!