Monday, July 18, 2011

Cook out

Friday night we drove up to the Uintas to have a hot dog roast. It was the perfect night. It was warm, there was a slight breeze to keep the bugs under control, not too many people around. Hudson screamed all the way up and fell asleep just as we pulled into a camp spot.

The boys went fishing for a second and then we had some dinner. The kids had fun eating outside and getting sticky with the marshmallows. Oh, by the way...we tried smores with peanut butter cups instead of plain chocolate...YUM-O! That is how we will be doing smores from now on.
Anyway...after dinner the boys were begging to go fishing again so this time the whole family went. Brent didn't have a license or a pole so the the little boys did all the fishing. Bridger even caught a little brookie all by himself. He was so excited. Of course the camera batteries were pretending to die right about then so there is no picture. Reagan and Corbin mostly threw rocks into the river. That little girl isn't scared of anything, except bugs. She would have waded right into the middle of the water if we had let her.

After fishing we packed it up and came home. My kind of camping trip. Bridger and Brent would disagree but Corbin is on my side! He kept asking if he could just sit in the car. I keep telling Brent he can take whoever wants to go camping and I will stay home with the rest. He won't take me up on it. He keeps saying something about camping being a "family" activity. Whatever.


Kasi French said...

They are all getting so big! I agree whole heartily about the camping being a 'day' excursion ~ no more is necessary!

mom/Janet said...

You're a girl after my own heart. No camping for me. I'm surprised to hear you say you don't like camping. It was born in our blood. Too bad I'm not closer. We could have an aunt/niece night while the kids and dad go camping.