Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A month?!

I think this is about the longest I've gone without updating. I'm not sure if anyone even looks here anymore. I like to keep it updated for my own sake and memories sake. Who knows when I will get a full update...but, here is the past (almost) months activities.

  • I had a birthday. We celebrated by sending the kiddos to my parents house and heading to Utah for the day. We went to Lagoon and discovered that apparently we are getting old? I have never been so sick as I was getting off of some of those rides. We only stayed for a few hours and then headed to the mall for some shopping.
  • The following day Brent went back to work and I headed up to Star Valley for a mini family reunion. Lynn and Nikki were in town and my parents had taken the three older ones up there with them. It was fun to visit and relax at Grandma's house. Still love Star Valley. That place is magical.
  • The next weekend I took the boys back to Lagoon. I had a bounce back ticket and they were dying to go. Jeff and Julie took their kids and Nicole and Taylour with them. Andrea watched Reagan and Hudson for me. What a sweetheart! The boys had a blast at Lagoon. They would have stayed there all night if I had let them. It was a hot day and there was very little whining or complaining. Bridger and Braxton thought that they were so big, you know, putting their hands up on the roller coaster rides. In another year or two they will be able to ride everything by themselves.
  • On the 2nd of August Brent went back to his back doctor because he was having such horrible pain in his leg again (and no, Lagoon was not the cause. He had the pain before we went). She confirmed our biggest fear, he re-ruptured his disc. She gave him one steroid shot to see if it worked but was very doubtful. When that did nothing for his pain she scheduled his surgery right away. She said there is no point waiting around for the inevitable. So, Brent gets to have surgery on the 24th. Let the fun times begin! The good news is that workman's comp is going to cover it again. That was a huge blessing. We really thought that since it didn't happen at work it wouldn't be covered. The doctor fought for us and got it covered. Bless her. We love her, for more reasons that that.
  • Last week we discovered that the washer was leaking huge amounts of water. After some serious diagnosis, we decided to get a new one. As I was moving the dryer the wires touched (or something scary) and ruined the dryer. So lucky us got a new set. Well, we decided to make sure that the drain pipe wasn't leaking and discovered that all the wood in our laundry room was wet. So my kind parents came over to help us gut the laundry room and put the sheet-rock up. I guess we get to finish the basement one room at a time, whether we like it or not! Lowe's was great to work with. We bought the washer and dryer, they matched the competitors offers, delivered and set it up for free, and hauled off the old one for free! You can't beat that. Even our in town furniture stores don't do that.
  • Friday afternoon we headed to Park City for the Hamblin family reunion. It was fun to see cousins that I haven't seen in probably three years (we missed you, Britty). We visited, ate, played football, went through old cards, solved the problems of the world. Ok, so maybe not the last one. We decided to stay Friday night and meet up on Saturday. Apparently it was a big weekend in Park City. The Kimball arts festival was a leetle bit bigger than we thought. Add a huge soccer tournament to the mix and that equals no hotel rooms available. Luckily the Park City lodging something had some condos available that we shared with my parents. It was fun. We got up Saturday morning and had breakfast with everyone still in town at Janet and Bill's condo and then went swimming. After swimming we grabbed a late lunch with Harold and Jeanna and Brice and Judy (and their kids) and headed home. Oh, we stopped by the outlets for one second. They were packed so we didn't stay long. Just long enough to find a new wallet.
  • Bridger completed his first round of swimming lessons and is now in level 2. We are so proud of him. He was really nervous at first but has gotten used to the water and even thinks about putting his head under!
Whew! I think that is about all that has been going on. There have been sleep overs, cousins over, ice cream outings, nights at the play ground. Fun summer stuff. It is hard to believe that summer is over. In fact today we found out who Bridger's teacher is. Mrs. Thornton, in case you are wondering. We are all so excited for that chapter of our lives to begin. I know it is just going to add to the craziness but we can't wait!
Hopefully I will get some pictures posted with these events sometime in the near future!


Brittany said...

i still read your blog! it sounds like you've had a very busy month! are you looking forward to having one less kid at home? probably not. more sad i'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I check in!! Love hearing about your life and your kiddos!