Monday, July 18, 2011

Five months

This little guy just keeps getting older. I cannot believe how fast time seems to be going. He had his four month check up a couple of weeks ago and his growth slowed down quite a bit.

Height: about 23-24 inches
weight: 12 lbs something oz

There is a resident doctor that did his initial check-up and she was very concerned that he had basically dropped off of his growth curve. We are talking 20th to 5th percentile. She said we'll have you bring him in for weight checks, blah, blah, blah. I wasn't really concerned. Then our regular doctor came in and told me that he told her not to freak out. I was a good mom and he wasn't worried about Hudson. He calls the drop in the growth curve the "bottle adjustment". I have stopped nursing completely (about 2 months ago) and so he isn't getting the same fats that he was. Nothing to worry about. We have small kids anyway. He had his shots and took them like a man. He was sore the rest of the day and the next day too. Poor little guy.

So Hudson is doing great. He is rolling all over the place. Front to back and back to front. He holds himself up on his arms pretty well. He talks to us all the time and loves to get his clothes changed. It makes him giggle like crazy. When he gets excited he tenses up everywhere.
He is still a great sleeper. We moved him into the crib today and he seems to have no issues switching. He is probably loving all the room in the crib compared to the little bassinet he was being squeezed into before!

He chomps on everything. His favorite seems to be fingers. His shirt is constantly soaked from all the drool but so far no teeth. I keep waiting for them to just pop up one day.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow they are all getting so big!!