Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The new ride

We bit the bullet and bought a new car. Yesterday we drove to Murray with all 4 kids in tow. Our intentions were to look but we drove off the lot in a new-to-us suburban. We couldn't pass it up and we needed the extra space. We were at the dealership for 6 hours straight. Amazingly the kids held up quite well. The dealership has a kids room equipped with toys for them to play with. There was a short trip to toys 'r' us while I negotiated the price and terms. We bought it at Larry H. Miller and would recommend them to anyone. They were no pressure and very nice. They didn't even seem to mind that our kids were going stir crazy after about 3 hours.


Tara Mogle said...

lets hope paul does NOT see this post any time soon....i have him convinced we need a mini van not an SUV!

just kidding....sort of. Looks way nice though!

Candy said...

We have a black Suburban too! Ours is older than yours for sure (2003), but we LOVE it! Love it! We bought ours on ebay about 4 years ago.

The Bebel's said...

I love its very nice! Now you have enough room for everyone its time for a road trip to come see us!

Jami said...

We're hoping to add a suburban to our family, too. We found one in South Dakota (Gillette was not accomodating). I'm hoping to have a suburban post very soon! :)