Wednesday, April 13, 2011

18 Months

Little miss Reagan is 18 months. She can officially go to nursery, even though she has been going for quite a few months.
I took her to her well child check-up and it was traumatizing As soon as the nurse called her back she went into hysterics. Any time the nurse or doctor even looked at her she started screaming. Crazy kid. She is still tiny. More the size of an average 11-12 month old but still on her own little curve.

The stats:
weight: 19.9 pounds
height: 29 inches

Technically she can't even be in a forward facing car seat yet. We've broken that rule though. She is full of spunk, attitude, kisses, and love. She definitely keeps us all on our toes. Whether it is pinching the boys, pulling everything out of the cupboards, or just running around, there is never a dull moment with her around. She loves her blankie, naps (and bedtime), and babies. She does not like shoes and last night wanted nothing to do with her pants. She was in only a diaper most of the evening. Such a funny little thing.
We will keep her around. She makes us laugh and we sure do love her.


LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, she is adorable! Getting so big! I love that her hands are in her pockets, too, so cute!

Anonymous said...

Aw happy 18 month birthday Reagan!! Enjoy it now because after this everyone only gives you one birthday a year instead of 2 :)
love ya

Melissa M said...

I can't believe shes already 18months. Seems like yesterday we were at the hospital visiting you guys! She sure is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a character, but we love our cute little characters, don't we?! :) Kelsey and Maddy were both over 18 months before they hit 20 lbs. Boy, how time flies! Hopefully we can figure out a time to see you guys over the summer! :)
