Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Brent's little sister, Nicole, went to prom last weekend. Kind of hard to believe that she is that old considering she was just a cute little 9 year old when we got married. She looked gorgeous and it was fun to go see her promenade.

Before her date got to the house. Isn't that dress gorgeous (and her)? I loved it.

three of the four with aunt Coley.

Coley with her date, Taylor.

Before the juniors promenade, or dance, they announce all of them. This might be unfamiliar to some. We called it floor show where I grew up. Coley danced with a different boy than her date because Taylor is a senior and only the juniors dance.

After they promenade and announce royalty they have a parent dance. Brent filled in for his dad and it brought a few people to tears. It was a sweet to see him dance with her.

Mom and daughter. So cute.

Jeffry, Carly, Nicole, Mandi
We have three other cousins that are juniors.
Don't they all look so great?

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