Wednesday, December 01, 2010


We had a small change in plans for Thanksgiving. After having snow and freezing cold for about 4 days before I didn't really want to brave the 'sisters' by myself with my three kids (Brent had to work). I'm sure there were dry spots and I could have made it...but I didn't want to stress. I also wanted to have my siblings here too. So, I suggested that my parents be the ones to brave the roads. I'm thoughtful like that! It sure wouldn't be fun for them to be in Mtn. View all by themselves with a whole bunch of food while the rest of us were at various other places. They agreed and came over Wednesday night.
They so graciously brought all their groceries with them. The kids were so excited to have visitors, and so was I. It felt like the holidays for real! Not that going to their house doesn't, but we go there all the time. Having them come to stay was a treat!
Thursday Devan, Jackie, Braden, Ashlee, Andrea, and Jerame all joined us for the Thanksgiving feast. We missed Blaine and Angie. I think the food all turned out great and we didn't have too many leftovers (my least favorite part-I know un-American). The kids had a blast playing together and I think it turned out pretty well.
I was so tired by the end of the day that Black Friday shopping didn't sound one bit fun. I had to do it by myself. Where is the fun in that? I did it though and got what I was after. I think the worst was standing in line to check out-an hour and a half. Yikes! We were just kind of lazy the rest of the weekend.
Fun times.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Dude! I don't like leftovers either!! I think leftover turkey tastes disgusting. Seriously, just gross. I never eat them.