Thursday, December 02, 2010

Putting the tree up

Putting the tree up this year was more of a process. I think it will be for the next couple of years. This was the first year that the boys were really into it. Corbin would get frustrated when he couldn't get the ornament to hang just right. Bridger always wanted to go just a little bit higher than he could reach. Reagan, well, she just wanted to get her hands on everything! Needless to say our tree is a kid tree. Ornaments bunched together with no regard for color, size, shape, etc.

It lasted for 2 days before Reagan's curiosity got the best of her. While I was getting ready this morning she kept bringing me ornaments that had previously been hanging on the tree. A few were broken and she was even biting a glass one this afternoon. You know, like the Grinch does? Awesome.

It got put up and now we are enjoying the half decorated tree!

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