Saturday, November 20, 2010

Three down...two to go

While the children did this (Reagan was in her crib):

We made these:
*Edited. If you saw the other two projects...lucky you! If not, they are gifts and so I removed them so the giftees don't see them*

It really feels like Christmas today. We started the day by doing a little Christmas shopping at the local craft fair. Then when we got home we popped in some Christmas movies for the littles and started on my mountain of Christmas projects to get done before next Friday. The kids fell asleep and we were able to crank out more than we had planned. To top it off the snow started falling and hasn't stopped. Roads are closed and all.

Bring on the Holidays!


Abbie said...

Jealous! I want some snow!! :)

mom/Janet said...

When Bill and I were first married, we got snowed in at Evanston with closed roads. It was at the motel there by your freeway exit. Oh the memories of Wyoming Winters. Enjoy......might as well, you're not going to change anything.

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. :) Love hearing about your Wyoming adventures! LOVES to you all