Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Every day life

It seems like November is flying by. For some reason we have kept pretty busy. Not with major things but just every day life type things. Between dr. appointments, family pictures, haircuts, pre-school, Christmas shopping, etc. we keep going.
Here are a couple of shots of just every day things.

This kid is cracking us up on a regular basis. He doesn't love to eat breakfast. At. all. I have to bribe him or threaten him nearly every day. I think it would be safe to say he isn't really a morning person. He started going to pre-school twice a week at the high school and loves it. He even went by himself yesterday because Bridger didn't feel good enough to go.

Reagan loves her dad...and uncle Jeff. No really. If Jeff is around she only wants him. Its pretty funny actually. She is walking more and more these days and is really proud of herself when she does. She loves to wrestle with the boys and bug them any way she can. She is starting to shake her head yes when she means it. I love that she can communicate in a way other than screaming!

Take my picture mom...can I see it?

Bridger is definitely turning into a little boy and leaving the toddler stage. I'm sad and excited all at the same time. The other day he picked up one of Brent's books and started picking words out of it. He was able to pick out all sorts of words. It really surprised us. He is starting to try to sound things out. We are thinking about putting him in kindergarten next year instead of waiting a year. He is insistent that he goes when he is 5...not 6.

I'm not kidding. She loves to wrestle with them. They were actually laughing so hard with each other this time.

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