Friday, October 08, 2010

Happy Birthday baby girl!

From this....

To this...
in 12 short (and I mean short) months

We love you pretty girl!


Shae said...

wow! i can't believe that she's already 1!!!! that is sooo crazy!! she's definitely a little cutie...that's for sure! happy birthday!!

Emily K. said...

That first year goes way too fast! She is a very darling little girly. Glad she had a wonderful day. She reminds me so much of your side of the family more than your other kids. Happy Birthday Reagan! Before you know it you will be celebrating a new birthday!

Anonymous said...

I love her pigy tails so much!! I was just looking at some pictures of my wedding and her hair has grown so much since then she looks so grown up with her hair long. Makes me a little sad .
love ya