Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well child visits

I have a confession to make. After the boys hit their 18 month well child visit, I quit taking them to their check-ups. You know the yearly ones. I don't know why, maybe because they were caught up on immunizations and I took them when they were sick anyway. Well, I figured I should probably take them just to make sure everything was going alright.

I started with Corbin. I scheduled it the same time as Reagan's 12 month well child check. Guess what I found out? He was short on an immunization; according to the state of Wyoming, anyway. So what I thought was going to an easy peasy appointment turned into lots of waiting and two shots for the little guy. He walked with a limp the rest of the day and talked about that doctor that shot him. Is he a little dramatic? Maybe, but he sure is cute. Other than that he is a healthy little thing.

I don't know what his exact measurements are but I know this:
height: 75th percentile
Weight: 50th percentile

Next up was miss Reagan. She is still in immunization mode so I went in expecting her to get poked lots of times and she did. I think these were the roughest shots yet. She was miserable the rest of the day.

Here are her stats (I remembered to ask the numbers on hers)
Height: 27.5ish inches
Weight: 17lbs

Still petite...just the way we like her.

Next up is Bridger. What he doesn't know is that when he goes in he gets his 4yr. shots. But then he should be done for quite a years. Hallelujah!


Tara Mogle said...

oh the dreaded shots! we just took the boys in for flu shots and there was a lot of drama involved from limping to hating the band-aid. Gotta love those kiddos.

Connor had his 4 year check and there were no shots!! Maybe you guys will get lucky too!

Emily K. said...

Shocked, shocked. What kind of mother doesn't take their children to their well child visits? Oh, the kind that has to drag 3 kids into a germ infested Doctor's office just to hear them tell you what you already know? And, I don't know about you, but, I always leave there feeling just a little bit guilty about something I should be doing, and aren't or something I did, that I shouldn't have. At least with my 3rd, my Dr. doesn't lecture me, or ask me questions. She just asks me if I need anything, checks out the babe real quick, and sends me on my way.

Tristan just had his 15 month shots, as well as the flu shot, and he is struggling. Fever, sore legs, grouchy as heck, everything. The chickenpox vaccine at a year was hard for him too. Poor things. Tay got her flu shot too, and swore she couldn't lift her arm the rest of the day. I was so tired of her drama, and then I got mine, and it really hurt, and I din't want to use my arm. I felt a little bad after that. . .