Thursday, October 14, 2010

Its a...


We went for the 20 week ultrasound (at 21 weeks) on Wednesday and got the news. We are excited and getting used to the idea.

It isn't that either one of us was hoping or wishing for a girl, we just assumed it was a girl. There wasn't ever really any doubt in my mind about it. We both came from families that are two boys then two girls. After having one boy we had another one. Why wouldn't girls work the same way? Apparently we were wrong! When the ultrasound tech said oh, its a boy we just looked at each other. We had even had a discussion about how it would probably be a boy because we don't have any names picked out that we like. Sure enough!

So anyway, We're excited. The boys are excited and I think Reagan will be happy to have a real live baby to play with. I'm a little bit nervous for that part. Little boys can take or leave babies. Little girls, on the other hand, love them, can't get enough of them. Well, my little girl anyway! I'm afraid our lives are just beginning to get interesting!


Shae said...

congrats!!! i'm so excited for you! lil' reagan will be a great big sister! from my experience, the 18 month old age girl is great to have another baby around, because they love on them, but know to not pick them up. it's when they are 3, and think that they are actually big enough to carry around the little baby, and try to do so on several occasions, no matter how many times they've been told not to. lol

Emily K. said...

Yay for boys!! The one thing I've learned is that they eat a lot more than girls. Rohne can already eat 2 cheeseburgers. When we go out, we have to get him an adult meal, because the kids meal is never enough. I am dreading the teenage years. How ever will I be able to afford 2 hungry boys? Thank goodness for my bird-like eating girly.