Friday, October 08, 2010

The party

We had Reagan's birthday party a little bit early. Thanks to some scheduling conflicts...Sunday, 5 days early, worked better than tonight, her actual birthday.

She must have sensed the excitement from the boys because she refused to take a nap in the afternoon prior to the party. That always makes for fun birthdays! She was actually quite the trooper and enjoyed the attention.

we opened presents. The older kids were pretty excited that they could help. Reagan was happy to have others open her presents and then she would grab them. She even liked the clothes (something that neither of the boys have been interested in).

Then it was on to cake. She had a cute little Tinkerbell cake all to herself that she wouldn't touch. Yup, didn't want anything to do with it. This was especially strange because this is the little girl that eats all things sweet. She can eat a whole ice cream cone and cupcake by herself. I don't know if it was the color of the frosting, being super tired, everyone looking at her, or what but she wanted nothing to do with cake or ice cream that night. Made for easy clean up! No bath required! Corbin stayed by her side the whole time trying to convince her to eat it and wait for his turn to dig in!

My favorite decision of the night was to go with cupcakes instead of a cake. So much less mess and everyone got an equal portion. I think I'll go this route with future birthdays as well!

At the end of the night after everyone had left I looked over and Corbin had had enough. In the middle of playing with the new toys he checked out for the night. Reagan herself was already in dream land by this point!

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