Sunday, October 31, 2010

2010 edition of Halloween

The pixie fairy

The Mail Man

And finally, the UPS guy

We had down town trick-or-treating on Friday afternoon(pictured) and then regular trick-or-treating last the rain. Corbin tripped and fell about 5 minutes into our walk around the neighborhood and Bridger drug his mailbag through the puddle about 7 minutes into the jaunt. Luckily there are lots of our Lake relatives in town so that we could drive to the rest of our destinations. They really did like the trick-or-treating and enjoyed all the compliments on their costumes.

Call me the Halloween Scrooge but I am happy to have this holiday over with. Half the time I feel like I'm forcing my kids to have fun. I mean really, if they are done after 2 houses why force them to go to more? I'll never know. I'm sure we'll be doing it all again next year with one more added to the fun!


Cassie said...

haha, I think that's what I liked about the trunk or treat. we got so much candy that we didn't go to a single house. We were going to go to one relative, but they were out of town so we were done! My kids had so much fun going to each car even Audriana and didn't want to be done halfway down the street and we weren't freezing since it was at 5, but we didn't get rain either huge bonus!

Tara Mogle said...

Your kids look darling! And I am with you on the trick-or-treating. My kids could care less to go trick-or-treating so we hit the trunk or treat party at the church and then two or three houses on our street and we were DONE!!! I thought they would want to go longer but Connor got a little spooked and just wanted to come home! nice for us though :)

Brittany said...

what a great idea for costumes! you should've added a fedex person into the mix... but i like regan as the fairy better. seriously, i'm impressed. wyatt and i can NEVER come up with any good ideas for costumes.

i still think your kids are cute! i can't believe how big regan is. or that she is going to be a big sister! time is flying!