Monday, November 01, 2010


Tonight I had FHE with the kids. It was a little crazy but in the end funny.
Among other things I had little turkeys cut out and we added feathers and listed things we were thankful for. I tried not to prompt them to say what they were thankful for because I wanted to hear it straight from their little minds (and hearts).

Here is what they each wanted listed:
Bridger: Football (of course)
Brown and Blue
The Wii and Ipod (it was a tie)

Corbin: Buzz
Tigger and Pooh

I think it is so cute to see their little minds just think and think about what they are thankful for.

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

Great job, if I was doing FHE on my own we'd recite an article of faith and call it good. :)

I love the Halloween costumes. Each of your children played the roles of people who deliver wonderful things. I love it.