Friday, November 12, 2010

Captial Christmas tree

Pulling into the parking lot. It looked tricky with that long of a trailer.

It tried to get it all in one shot. It didn't work so well. The tree is huge!

Law enforcement there to "guard" the tree. They look concerned, don't they!

Coley and the kids. Corbin and Reagan slept through the commotion.

I had to have proof I was there!

The news guy that came to report. We thought it might be fun to be interviewed until I heard a couple of girls beg to get on and they sounded rediculous. I changed my mind.

They only opened a little door so you could see the actual tree. Apparently they have it all climate controlled so the needles don't fall off or turn brown before it reaches DC.

After Brent got home from work he took the boys down to the actual celebration. They had fireworks and everything!

I know its a tree on a truck, but it was pretty fun to be part of the capital Christmas tree celebration. The tree was cut down in the Bridger-Teton national forest outside of Jackson. People from all over Wyoming made the ornaments for it and a student from Star Valley was picked to go to DC and light it.


Brittany said...

i don't know why but this is so intriguing to me. i've never stopped to think of the logistics behind it. i would've been right there taking pictures with you.

do you know where it's from? i'm going to bet oregon. but maybe not.

Collette said...

I should have clarified. It was such a big deal because the tree came from Wyoming. It was cut down in Jackson on Saturday and then it started its journey to DC on Wednesday.

Emily said...

Awesome! I'll go see the tree here in DC!