Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carving pumpkins

We take our pumpkin carving serious around here. Simple faces are not enough for Brent. We need some creativity! I was determined to just do a face this year...but I was talked out of it. Don't get me wrong, I like the more detailed ones; it is the time it takes to make them that I don't like.
We had good intentions of starting early but finding patterns seemed to be a problem. So about 8:30 we were ready to start! Luckily it went pretty fast and We had four pumpkins carved by midnight. The boys lasted until about 10:30 and then they were begging to go to bed. Fun times. Reagan didn't make it past finding the patterns.

Some funny things from the night:
  • The boys refused to touch the guts
  • Corbin liked poking the small pumpkin with the push pin. it kept him quite entertained.
  • Bridger thought that the girl (me) was in a race with the boys (all of them but really only Brent carving). He gave us play by play on who was winning the carving race.
In the end all that mattered was that the kids love them. And they did.

A deer (or some other animal) got a hold of the small dracula one and ate his face off and part of the lid. None of the other pumpkins were touched!

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