Sunday, October 31, 2010

snow fun

There is something magical about the first snowfall of the year. It doesn't matter how many years I've lived in the arctic (which covers Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho) that first snow makes me a little giddy.
So when the boys really wanted to go outside I didn't even hesitate. We found all their snow gear and headed out. As you can see Bridger didn't have any snow gear. I talked about that in my previous post. Don't worry, we remedied that with a quick trip to Utah because our stores here were out of their sizes. Corbin's snow gear was just a bit big so he got some new duds as well. Since we haven't had any girls...Reagan also got new snow stuff! Man, I'll be glad when they quit growing so much!
Anyway...back to the snow fun. We headed outside at just the perfect time. The sun was peeking through the clouds and it was actually warm for a while. We built the snowman and then the two little buggers pelted me with snowballs the rest of the time. Fun, fun!

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