Monday, July 12, 2010

9 months

Reagan had her 9 month check up today.

Here are the stats:
Weight: 15lbs 6 oz
Height: 27ish inches (26.8 to be exact. They do it all in metric)

Because I am mother of the year I don't have any recent pictures of the little darling. This picture is from today. As I was showering I heard her fussing. It didn't sound really urgent so I let her be. After I was dressed I came into the kitchen to find this. I guess she really wanted a nap.
Reagan at nine months is:
  • crawling all over
  • pulling up on everything in sight
  • learning to use her voice for more than crying
  • she likes to yell...a lot
  • has three teeth. Her two front bottom ones and one k9 on the top left
  • loves to eat what we are eating; liking baby food less and less
  • still sucks her thumb
  • is a little tease
  • loves her brothers
  • likes to be in the middle of everything
  • loves to eat paper
  • will spit anything out. on command, that she isn't supposed to be eating
I think we are going to get a spunky little girl. She is so fun and her personality is really starting to shine. So fun.


Anonymous said...

She's so petite! Ben is weighing in at almost 22 pounds! Her description matches a lot of what he's doing, too. Although, he isn't much of a crawler yet. Maybe he'd shed some weight if he could move a little more!

Congrats on the 5K! Quite an accomplishment!

Jeanna said...

When I go through old pics, there are hardly ANY of child #2. Talk about mother of the year!

I love when babies fall asleep in random places. It's cute.

Anonymous said...

I love this girl!! I can't believe she's already getting so big! Hope you're having fun!
love you