Saturday, July 03, 2010


I did it. I ran my first 5K ever.

Evanston has a free 4th of July 5K and so I figured I would give it a try. If I was really bad I wasn't out anything.

I was a little nervous. Julie (my sister-in-law) braved her pneumonia like symptoms and came with me. Once we got going I got into a rhythm and just kept on going. I know what you're thinking, its a 5K for crying out loud. 3.1 little miles. Its not like a marathon or something. But, for me, this was huge. I have never ran more than 1 mile at a time. I don't think I have ever even run for a full mile straight. Its been an even longer time since I ran without a stroller to push.

I might not have finished first or even at the top of the standings, but I didn't finish last and I ran the whole time.

It felt good and I accomplished one of the goals that I set at the beginning of the year.


Abbie said...

Yay for you! A 5K is awesome. Don't talk yourself out of it. Good job!!!

Brittany said...

happy day! that is a huge accomplishment! i mean it! you've got to start somewhere and like you said, you had never run more than a mile before...and look at you - you just ran three-times as far! that is awesome! rock on lady!

Candy said...

Collette, you should be dang proud of yourself! Seriously. 3.1 miles is amazing. At this point in my life I try to walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes and have to stand on the sides and pause every two minutes I swear. I'm pathetic.

mom/Janet said...

Good for you. You're becoming a new person. So proud of you.

Shae said...

awesome! way to go!!

Jeanna said...

I was just telling some extended family how fantastic you look, :)

Congrats! I'm still trying to get back to running 3 miles straight and I am very, very, very slow.

You're my inspiration!!!