Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer fun

Since the warm weather arrived we have been taking full advantage of it.

First up: The sprinklers
The boys have warmed up to the idea of running through the sprinklers. Corbin still doesn't love the cold, cold water on him. Usually as he's running near the water he'll yell, "its getting me wet". That is the point, little buddy!

The next day Braxton and Cambree came over and brought some water toys. They all loved the beach ball that sprayed water and the slip n slide was actually used this time! I see lots of backyard water days ahead of us. The best part is that they are old enough to do it all on their own; meaning I don't have to get wet for them to have fun.

Second stop: Bear Lake
Yesterday about 11:40 we decided that it would be fun to head to Bear Lake for the afternoon. We made some calls, stopped by the store... a couple of times, ate lunch, and by about 1:15 we were on our way. Julie and her kids and Nicole came with us. We weren't sure how the kids would do but they were in heaven. Seriously. We haven't seen them that entertained for so long- ever. They played and played and played. Reagan loved to sit in the water and eat the sand. I think we ended up staying for about 3 hours and then we had to drag the kids away. The promise of a hamburger and shake is the only way they would leave. Now that we know they love it so much I think we'll rent some toys next time. The afternoon was complete after we stopped by Merlin's for a hamburger, fries, and yummy shake. Even after all the water playing none of the children were sunburned. Hallelujah.

We're looking forward to many more fun summer days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey next you make some impromtu trip to bear lake I wanna go!! That looked like tons of fun!!:)
love ya