Saturday, April 24, 2010

Some ideas

So I just had a great idea. I am in desperate need of inspiration for decorating our house. I have no idea where to go. I keep thinking "if I could just walk through a whole bunch of people's houses and get some ideas flowing I would be good". So how about this instead: if you have a room, or rooms, or heck, your whole house that you love the way it is decorated either 1) send me some pictures in an email ( or 2) Post it on facebook or your blog for everyone to be inspired. Sound like a plan? Maybe it will help others out as well. My bare walls are really starting to bug me!



Abbie said...

Maybe you should do a post about that really cool print your cousin sent you. :)

Christy said...

Sometimes I look at the MLS of houses that are for sale in the area to get some ideas for decorating cause I am not the creative.

Emalei Ambrosio said...

I blogged about our living room last year. I just framed vintage postcards I've collected and put a few other pieces in the mix. It was easy:

Emily K. said...

Um. . . my walls are bare too. I won't give you nothin'. Good luck. You will make it beautiful.