Thursday, April 22, 2010

Before I forget

Reagan had her 6 month well child check-up today. She is doing great. She is at or beyond all her developmental milestones which is good...kind of. Some days I wish she would still just sit in one place. Oh well. She is so cute when she crawls.

Here are the stats:
Height: about 24 inches 50ish percentile
Weight: 13.54 (or something like that) pounds 10th percentile
Head circumference: again, no idea. I'm not sure why I keep putting this on here.

The doctor was very impressed at how well she has stayed on her curves. She is still tall and skinny. He doesn't see that changing any time soon. She'll thank us when she is older! :)

So had to have her vaccines and I think Bridger had the hardest time with those. He really doesn't like to see her get poked.

I'm just glad she is healthy and thriving!


Emily K. said...

Whew! Tall and skinny? She really will love you when she gets older. Tay has my exact body type, and Rohne has Jake's. Not too bad, but, I was hoping for a tall skinny one too. She is adorable! And, growing so fast. Crawling so early, too!! Gotta keep up with those brothers!

Tarrah said...

I think it's great you put the stats on your if you make it into a book, you'll have it there. Can't believe how much we have forgotten since Hannah was born (sigh) time flies so fast.