Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The kids and I all had some after dinner snacks last night.

Reagan had carrots. She kind of liked them. We'll say she tolerated them. Her and Corbin are from the same mold. Love the fruit, hate the veggies. I mean she doesn't just spit it out. She gags. Full on gags. Its awesome.

Corbin and Bridger enjoying some Jell0. Don't worry, it's sugar free so it didn't keep them up any longer than necessary!

We had a great evening last night. Our new house is right next to an elementary and what do elementaries have that small children love? Playgrounds. Yes. We have playgrounds (yes plural, there are about 3 different playgrounds) within about a one minute walk from our front door. It is heaven. I'm pretty sure I know where we will be spending the majority of our time this summer. Both boys are big enough to climb and play by themselves. Even better! Although, for the first time in a long time I feel good enough that helping them sounds fun!

1 comment:

Jami said...

Looks fun! I must say that I'm mostly jealous you're in your own house. I've still got one more year. I can make it!