Monday, April 19, 2010

Saturday...and most of the rest of the week

We are officially moved into our new house. I'll be honest, last week might have been the longest one of my life. Seriously. We closed on Monday and Brent had to go into work that night and work the rest of the week. He got of his last shift on Friday morning. So, that left me to try and get everything ready for moving the major stuff on Saturday morning. It was crazy. Having three kids in tow most of the time didn't help, either. Not that I don't love them... It worked out. Brent would help me for a couple of hours a day when he woke up and it was very much appreciated.
This is what our old house looked like Saturday morning. We had a lot of much appreciated help to get the job done. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate. I think each kid adds at least a truck load of stuff, whether it is theirs or not!

This is at the new house unloading stuff.

This is what the living room looked like after about the first load.

You all know how it goes. The work begins when everyone leaves. Where to put everything. I am happy to say I think we are mostly in. We still don't have pictures up or any decorations for that matter, but it will come. We have to live here for a bit to decide how we want it; and there are major decisions to be made about wallpaper!

So happy day we have a place of our own. It is a wonderful neighborhood. So quiet and peaceful with great people. We really are excited to be here.

We went to church in our new ward (and it is also a different stake) and I got a new calling! Crazy you might think, but it isn't that big of a stretch. Brent's uncle is in the stake presidency and his aunt is in the stake young women's presidency, so they knew we were coming. They asked me to be a hike leader at girls camp. Sweet. I can handle callings like that. Prepare, carry out, and you're done! I love it.

So there you have it. Our move in a little tiny nutshell!

I might post some more pictures later...when I don't have screaming children.

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