Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Its been a while. I feel like we've been going non-stop for the past couple of weeks. I think we are finally feeling a little more settled in our house. Today we put some pictures on the walls and it feels so nice.
The kids have been adjusting at their own pace. For a while they didn't want to be downstairs playing with their toys but they are slowly warming up to the idea of not being right where Mom and Dad are. We've never had this much room and so we all had to get used to the extra hard as that is to believe. I never dreamed that that would be an adjustment.

We've discovered that with a house there are lots of things that need to be purchased. For example here are some things we have bought in the past couple of weeks:
  • Lawnmower
  • blinds for the windows
  • paint
  • ladder that can be set on uneven ground like the stairs
  • kitchen faucet
  • shovels and rake
  • vacuum (only because our other one quit sucking. We like our vacuums to suck.)
...that's all I can think of right now and it has been plenty to drain our pocketbook.

Like I said, we've all had to do our own adjusting. But I think it is feeling more like home every day. The wrestling with Dad makes anywhere feel like home.

Don't worry, no one was hurt during this wrestling match and Reagan can hold her own with the boys.
Yup, they've already tried it. Rock climbing on the fire place.
Luckily he didn't get to far so it hasn't become a regular occurrence.

Strangely enough I think Bridger is either growing or just being able to relax a little bit. Two out of the past 4 nights he has fallen asleep at or around 5pm and slept through dinner and the night.

Some other stuff that's been going on:

  • our car needed something replaced that was nice and pricey. The closest Ford dealership is in Morgan UT so we took it down there and then had to go retrieve it from there as well. Fun times.
  • Andrea went through the temple last week. It was nice to be able to share that day with her.
  • We are anxiously awaiting the wedding this weekend. The boys think that Jerame is already their uncle so this is just a technicality.
  • We've had two horrendous trips to Utah for shopping. The boys decided to release the inner monsters and terrorize us the whole time.

I think that is about all that is going on.

The kids are growing like crazy. I think Corbin's vocabulary increases every day. We can carry on conversations with him with very little interpretation necessary. He's funny. No really, he's funny now that he can communicate.

Bridger is constantly asking why. I don't think he even realizes he is saying "why" half the time that it comes out of his mouth. It's just automatic. He loves to spell things out that he sees. I'm pretty sure he just might teach himself how to read. I know that sounds crazy...but he's not too far off.

Reagan has mastered the army crawl and is on to all fours these days. She doesn't love vegetables but will gobble anything sweet (like fruit or fruit flavored anything) right up. She likes to be right in the middle of the action and lets us know if she is feeling left out. Tonight at dinner she was playing peek-a-boo with the kids.

Life is good. Busy with everyday-ness, but good.


Tara Mogle said...

It's so nice to hear that life is just normal and happy and busy and cheerful and full of happy little children who wreck havoc everyone once in awhile.

Lets play this summer ok? ok!

Anonymous said...

Just let Bridger keep trying to spell and read, Katie had all her nursery rhymes memorized by two and a half and taught herself to read at the tender age of 3. We haven't been able to get her to be quite since.