Thursday, February 18, 2010

Water color and a fat lip

Water Color

We broke out the water colors today. To say the boys were entertained is an understatement. I think they sat for almost an hour creating their masterpieces. That is a record for them.

Fat Lip

I'm really surprised this hasn't happened sooner.
Anyway...we were at Susan's. The kids were upstairs watching cartoons and we were in the basement crafting, well visiting actually. All of a sudden Corbin is screaming. At the same instant Reagan spit up all over me so I hurried upstairs to see what was going on. I noticed some blood in Corbin's mouth and figured he had fallen and bumped his mouth. I grabbed a washcloth to wipe the blood up and noticed that he had a cut on the outside of his lip. Sure enough he bit all the way through. We're not sure how it happened. It involves a chair on a pillow and that is about all we got out of the stories from the 3 who could talk. It must be pretty sore because this is about as close as we can come to his mouth. Poor little guy. I called the Dr's office to see if I should bring him in. She said I would need to go to the ER so I decided he was fine. Really, he was fine. I'm hoping it heals up a lot of the way tonight while he sleeps.


Emily K. said...

Painting is so great at keeping kids occupied!! Rohne has put is teeth through his lip before. Wild boys!

Jeanna said...

I thought you had put "water cooler and a fat lip" and I got all kinds of visions in my head. Then when I saw the paints, I was like, where's the water cooler?


I love how don't know exactly what happened, I can picture the kids all saying "he was he was he was, pillow and chair and he did he fell he...." :)