Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We had fun today

Reagan enjoyed some tummy time.
Its always better if there is a brother or two around.

The boys built things with their blocks. Its always fun to see what their little minds think up.
Bridger built a road and some guns. Corbin was happy to hammer away at any and all blocks in his way.

After dinner the couch cushions came off before I knew what was happening. They were then, we'll say, well loved for the evening. It was a sad moment when I made them put them back on the couch...3 hours later.

Who doesn't love a little photo shoot with mom?
Some of them I took and some of them Bridger and Corbin took.
I couldn't figure out how to get all three kids in a picture while I held it. It didn't help that Corbin and Reagan were not liking holding still very long.
I wouldn't normally post this many pictures of myself (especially being the center of them and you can tell it is the end of the day) but I thought there were some cute ones of Reagan and it is funny to see how the picture taking was going.
Brent's working nights right now so it makes for some long days and nights. We do what we can to stay entertained. Today was a pretty good day.


Abbie said...

Whatever! We don't see enough of you on the blog. Good to see the pictures! :)

Brittany said...

i agree with abbie! you look great and it's always fun to see you on your blog!

love the photo shoot!

ps - i think it'd be fun to be a kid at your house. you always have something fun going on.

Emily K. said...

Cute kids, and beautiful mommy!! I love the pictures. Reagan's little curly-q in her hair is adorable!!

Jeanna said...

Ok, the sole reason I came to comment was to tell you how terrific you look! (and I must be right because it's already been said!) You look sooo good Collette!