Thursday, February 25, 2010

Keeping up

We haven't had much winter this year. I'm not complaining (but I'm sure the ranchers aren't happy). Monday morning we woke up to this. I think it was Monday. Everything was foggy and the frost hung on the trees for a long time. So pretty. The pictures don't do it justice.

I couldn't believe that it had been a week since I posted anything. It seems like time flies when Brent is on days off. He just had 5 in a row and is on his 2nd day back. So....I have some down time.

Nothing really spectacular has been going on. Hence, the lack of blog posts. Our weekend was filled with basketball, grocery shopping )with only one child because yes, we got a babysitter for grocery shopping), eating Chinese, watching the Olympics, going to church, and other general type things.

Monday we spent getting caught up on laundry, house cleaning, and laying low.

Tuesday we ventured to Ogden to do a little shopping. We went looking for bunk beds and came home with plenty of other stuff.

Wednesday Brent had to go back to work. I had a hair appointment and so Susan watched the kids. When I dropped them off she mentioned that Vicki and the boys were on their way over for the day. We ended up hanging out there all day so the kids could play. Then we rushed home to get ready for the Blue and Gold banquet. It didn't turn out half bad for saying that it was thrown together in about a week. I will be happy when Cub Scouts is running like a well oiled machine in our ward. I'm hoping it gets to that point.

Today has been just kind of a lazy day again. I like these days. We made a run to Wal-Mart and other than that we haven't done much.

1 comment:

Jenny Bebel said...

Thats how it looks here when we get fog. I love it when it does that its very pretty