Sunday, February 28, 2010

Corbin turns 2...mostly!

In case anyone that reads this has forgotten or didn't know, Corbin's birthday is on Leap Day. Yup, February 29th. It didn't seem like such a big deal when he was born. So what, he only has an actual birthday every four years. Big deal. Well, it is. Kind of. It is really strange to not have an actual day that is "his day". I really do feel like he is getting short changed in the birthday department. Not that he knows any different, but I do. Anyway...that is beside the point.

We celebrated Corbin's 2nd birthday today with a little get together at our house. We had the grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins from Utah, across town, and across the street. It was fun. A little on the crowded side, but fun.

Some of the party guests

Opening Presents

The older kids were pretty interested for the first little bit. When they realized that Corbin was big enough to open his own presents they lost interest real fast

Blowing out the candles
Doesn't he look so big in this picture?
He's not so much a toddler as he is a little boy these days.
(I might have put 3 candles on the cake and not even noticed until Brent asked why there were 3 candles when Corbin is only 2).
He had the candles blown out before we could even begin the song!

Saving "pooky" as Corbin calls Mickey

the Birthday boy enjoying a little birthday cake.

Thanks to everyone who came! You made his little day perfect.

We sure love our little Corbin.
He is such a cutie and has a hilarious personality. He can be a little on the moody side but we love him anyway! The past couple of days he has really started increasing his vocabulary. He will just blurt out words and I have to have him repeat them to see if he really said what I thought I heard him say. Even Bridger gets excited. Last night when we were picking his cake up Corbin kept saying "cake, cake". Bridger was amazed. He thinks he is a big boy and likes to do everything that the big kids do.


Jeanna said...

I can totally understand, as a mom, how you feel about missing his birthday. But one of these days he is going to think he is the coolest kid on the block. You should plan the super sweet parties every leap year and just do family things in between. That would make the actual day that much sweeter! Happy Birthday Corbin!!!

Emily K. said...

I have been wondering what you would do to celebrate his birthday. I mean, should you do it on Feb. 28th, or March 1st? Confusing. . . He's such a cute little guy, and you look way skinny. Your jeans are practically falling off of you girly! Go reward yourself, and buy some new ones! Shop, Shop, Shop! Looks like your hard work is paying off!

mom/Janet said...

Well, he was born the day after Feb. 28. When someone asks when his birthday is you can say "well this year it is March 1 or this year it's Feb. 29th. That's unique enough. How time flies. you are looking great.

Brittany said...

happy birthday corbin! i can't believe it's been TWO years! time has flown by!

my favorite pic is the one of corbin in his chair with his toy story toy and bridger admiring with curiosity in the background. so cute!

Christy said...

Happy Birthday Corbin!! I guess the good thing about his birthday being on leap day is that you can always celebrate it on Feb 28th and on March 1st just to make sure he feel extra special. And one year when the time is going from 11:59pm to 12:00am you should run into his room with balloons and a cake, singing Happy Birthday. Then as soon as he blows out the candles turn the off the lights so he can go back to bed and consider that his official birthday party.