Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Real Life

As I walked into the living room I thought to myself: this is what life is really like around here. Toys on the floor, TV watching, Ipod tinkering, randomness. So I took some pictures. The pictures look pretty much the same except I thought it was funny in the bottom picture that Bridger was showing Reagan how to play golf on the ipod.

Today was just one of those days. Everyone was kind of ornery, especially me. Brent was sleeping and kids were screaming. By the time Brent left for work I had decided that we needed to go to Mtn. View for a quick visit. So we left. Nothing fixes a bad mood like Grandma and Grandpa's. The kids slept all the way there. Corbin was so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa. He even said "boo" when he saw them. Bridger was slow to wake up but as soon as Grandpa started playing chase with Corbin, Bridger couldn't hold back the smiles. They played and played with Grandpa and my mom was kind enough to let me talk through my frustrations. They slept all the way home and went right to bed without a fuss. Sweet. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Maybe I just need an attitude adjustment...yeah, that's probably it.


Abbie said...

I love these posts. :) So real and refreshing. I think the fact that it's winter has to do with it too. Thanks for sharing.

Kasi French said...

You're fantastic ... there I said it!

Candy said...

oh we have so many afternoons that look the same way! toys, tv, kids playing, me feeling frustrated, etc.
you're a good mom and I'm glad you were able to go to MV and get a little refresher!

Emily K. said...

Thank goodness for Grandma and Grandpa. When I talk to mother-in-law, and she can tell I've been crying, she just shows up at my door, and takes the kids away. I don't even have to ask! You are ALLOWED those days. Don't be so hard on yourself. My house looks the same way, except WAY more toys. And, a baby screaming, not quietly playing with Brother.

Tara Mogle said...

Yay for family! especially moms right?! You are awesome...and your kids are adorable.

Jeanna said...

Moms are great listeners. I can picture you and Kathy sitting in the kitchen or family room having a great mother/daughter chat.

Glad you are feeling better today. This weather is icky and I'm sure contributes to the mood.