Monday, February 08, 2010

4 months

Seems like I say it every month, but seriously. Where does the time go? Reagan is 4 months old today. October doesn't feel like it was that long ago. Anyway... She had her well child visit today and she is growing like a weed.

They were much better about telling me her stats this time.
Head circumference: I don't remember.
Weight: 11.2 pounds
Height: 24ish inches

The doctor double checked her height because it was on a different curve from when she was born. He said she is leaning more toward the tall slender build than a short and stocky one. That is always good to hear, especially for girls.

Other than that she is doing great. Hitting her milestones pretty well and a mostly happy girl. She did have to get 4 shots which she wasn't so happy about. She barely had time to catch her breath from the first two when they stuck her with the second two. Poor thing.
Not the best picture of Reagan, but here she is in all her 4 month glory! Brent laid her in bed next to Corbin tonight and they had a great time. After a few minutes Corbin was ready to have his bed back. He only wanted "Pooky" and "Moony" in with him.

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