Thursday, January 28, 2010

kids are funny.

Reagan is getting more alert all the time. She likes to play with her toys and have people talk to her. She isn't happy when she is left to entertain herself for even a few minutes. We love her, even if she is a little diva at times.

I just needed to write down a few funny things that I've heard from the boys lately. I'm sure Reagan has some funny things to say, but it all sounds like screetches at this point. Anyway...

Bridger: Tonight he didn't want to go to bed. at. all. He climbed into our bed and was laying there. I went in to ask him what he was doing. He said he didn't want to sleep in his bed. I said but you have such a nice bed to sleep in. Why don't you want to sleep in it. His reply "I mean, I like my bed. I really love it. But, I just want to sleep in your bed". He says this about us too. Many times he will yell for either Brent or me. If the wrong one comes to help him out he'll say that he wanted the other one. Sometimes I'll say, but don't you like me? Then he replies with the "I love you, I really do like you and love you, but I just wanted Dad to help me". cracks me up. If you could only see his little hand gestures that go along with it (elbow bent and palm up, know what I mean?)

Corbin: He only calls certain people by specific names. We're not sure how he decides who gets a certain name, but he's kind of picky on who he addresses specifically.
Bridger is "Hey"
Reagan is "Dae Dae"
Any woman that looks like a mom or grandma is Mom
Any man that looks like a dad or grandpa is Dad
The last two get kind of confusing when we're at the grandparent's houses.
Brent's cousin Shaylyn (sorry if I botched the spelling) is lala-said with exaggerated l's
My favorite story about him lately is one day Reagan was crying and I didn't get there fast enough. He took here headband and put it in her mouth and said "shh Dae Dae, shhh" He kept doing it every time she would cry.
He calls Mickey Mouse "pooky"

I am trying so hard to enjoy this time that they are little. They are so cute and trying so hard to be good.


Shon and Holly Shuldberg said...

Very cute post. I really need to get better about posting those funny things my boys say. In fact, I think I just might right now!!

Emily K. said...

Oh, Corbin sounds AWESOME!! What a cute kid! I looked at that first picture of Reagan, and immediately pictured your dad. Weird. I'm thinking the mouth. . .

jamie combe said...

I love your blog! Your family is addorable! I can't believe you have three, I am totally behinde everyone. I need to start blogging so I can keep in touch with you, take care!

Tarrah said...

Reagan is getting so big!!! I could see with two big brothers who probably adore her with lots of attention she misses them when they are not around entertaining her. Is it make it easier on you or harder?

We are pregnant again so guess I'll know here soon enough:)