Monday, October 26, 2009

Just life

The boys were dying to get this whole little city out. Wouldn't you know it took so long to set up that they lost interest...for the most part. Occasionally they would drive a car or two around it. Looks like something good was on the t.v. at this moment.

Visiting in Green River

My grandparents are moving to the Boise ID area in a couple of weeks. We wanted them to get a chance to meet Reagan, so we drove over the other night. The boys love Great Grandma and Grandpa Hamblin and Reagan seemed to like them too! We will miss having them so close, but it is for the best that they move. I'm not sure that Grandma even knew who we really were. After we had been there a while she said, "well, I better get Dale so we can go home". It's sad to see her like this.

The boys still love their little sister. Corbin is getting a little more brave around her every day. Today involved touching her hair and trying to "beep" her nose. I think we'll have to watch him a little closer from now on!

All ready for church. Yes. We went to Sacrament meeting on Sunday. Everyone survived. No one tried to hold her or get in her face so all was well. I also realized that I need to buy some tights or church socks for the little darlin'. Chicken legs just don't look that cute in a dress (although they are cute chicken legs).

I had to take a picture of this for a couple of reasons. 1. The boys found a dolly and gave it to her to make her feel better. 2. She fell asleep on her own in the bouncy chair without previously crying hysterically. 3. She just looked so dang cute I couldn't I her mother or what?

I guess I'm done. Reagan is crying and Bridger is informing me that he doesn't love that sound!


Abbie said...

Girl, I don't even know how you have time to post! Love the pictures and stories. I laughed so hard about trying to make her nose beep. Don't you just love having a girl?

Shae said...

so cute!! isn't it funny about the tights thing? even though i only had 1 boy before i had a girl...the tights thing was a kicker for me. i despise them...but they look funny without them.

Tarrah M. said...

Love how they are doating over there little sister. How cute.