Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eating wild game and other random stuff.

Brent got an elk while he was hunting a couple of weeks ago. He took it to the meat processing place and had to get some hamburger and steaks (he also got the jerky and sausage that he wanted). I was less than thrilled because I am not a fan of wild meat. I figured if we have this much hamburger in our freezer (and Susan's) that we should probably use it. I made chili last night with elk burger and you know what? I couldn't even tell the difference.

I thought that I would lay Reagan on the floor to let her stretch out a bit. The boys love that they can get so close to her. It is so fun to watch them interact with each other and to see how the boys show their affection in different ways. Bridger is older so he knows a little bit more to be gentle and not poke her eyes. Corbin likes to be as close to her as physically possible. Cracks me up. Reagan tolerates it well, for the most part.

Three weeks today. She is more alert and awake every day. I ordered a swing the other day to hopefully cure her of her need to be held constantly and to save my sanity! I think the boys feel neglected because I am constantly holding Reagan. If I put her down then she screams after a couple of minutes and the boys don't like that either. Its a no win situation for them!

Last night I thought the boys might like a little craft time. The original plan was to put cotton balls on the paper. When Corbin started ripping his off I thought it looked better. So that is what we did. Put glue stick all over the ghost and then dabbed a cotton ball on it. The cotton that got stuck is what makes the ghost. Pretty clever. Thanks to a 20 month old who likes to peel things off of stuff! You can also see Bridger's attempt at writing his name. He is very into learning his letters and how to write his name. He refuses any help from me. Not too bad for a 3 yr old that has had no formal training!

Stay tuned for the 2009 edition of Halloween costumes. Hopefully everyone cooperates.

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