Friday, October 23, 2009

2 Week stats

Reagan had her 2 week check up with her new doctor, Dr. Nowicki. I am so happy that he takes new babies as patients. He doesn't take new patients otherwise. He was so friendly, chatty, thorough and gentle with her. It was like finding the male version of our doctor in Douglas. I couldn't have been a happier mom!

So on with "our little sister's" stats:

Weight: 6lbs 9 oz
length: 19.5 inches

The doctor was so impressed with how much she has grown. She has gained about 10 oz from her birth weight and grown about 1-1.5 inches. He said she is doing quite well and could be up to 12lbs by her 2 month check-up. He actually said that she might be catching up for being so small when she was born. Whatever it is that is making her grow it is working quite well.


Jeanna said...

Soooo sweet! Yay for finding a doc you like!

The growth is coming from all the love she gets.

Candy said...

oh my goodness...6 pounds and she is 2 weeks old?! I can't imagine having such a tiny little baby! I think I would break her. Davis was nearly 9 pounds at birth!

It's amazing her length that she's grown too! I always think it's crazy how fast newborns grow!

Emily K. said...

Wow, she is a tiny little thing. Good to know she is growing well, though. I remember when I took Tristan in for his 1 month check-up, he was getting so huge. I was tired, burned out, hadn't showered in days, you know the drill. Anyways, he had grown so much, and was so healthy, and the Pediatrician said: "Look what you have to show for all your hard work! He's beautiful." And, then, I just broke down crying. In a good way. She then gave me the name of a counselor, and told me if I wasn't on antidepressants, I should be. I love her. So, good job on working so hard! She is beautiful.