Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas Eve

I think this Christmas Eve goes down as one of the best EVER!!

We started the day out by going to breakfast with Mark and Jocy at Bear Town. It is fun to start the day with something fun...and to get out of the house. The boys averted disaster at Susan's by fixing the leak in the fridge. A couple of really big fans and a de-humidifier were brought in to curb the damage!
Grandma and Grandpa Hamblin came and spent the night with us (after a little convincing).
First item of business was sledding. We have the perfect kid-size hill by the school that provides lots of entertainment for kids and adults a like. Brent was our photographer since I forbid him to even think about sledding!
We came home and had some lunch before getting the gingerbread houses ready to go.
Decorating our houses was so much fun. I bought the village instead of just one house and the kids were so excited to make their own. Grandma and Grandpa helped get them just right.

For dinner we ordered Chinese. We brought out our Christmas plates and enjoyed not making a big meal!!
After dinner we read the Christmas story. Thank you Pinterest for helping me find the cute little story and cut-outs.
Are you tired yet?! We were.

We let the kids open their presents from Grandma and Grandpa after the nativity story.

The final activity of the night was sprinkling the reindeer dust so they would be sure to see our house.

And with that we put the children to bed! I think they were so tired they didn't make a peep all night and we had to wake them up the next morning to make sure we made it to church on time!!

It was such a fun day. There is something magical to me (probably because that is how I grew up) about spending Christmas Eve at home with your family. Thanks to Mom and Dad for sharing the day and night with us! We loved it and can't wait to do it again.

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