Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas day


Christmas day we woke the kids up, opened presents, got lost in the mess, made scones for breakfast and they were yummy! I just thawed a Rhoads loaf of bread and then rolled it out and cut it into squares. Brent cooked up some sausage and we had a feast!
Grandma and Grandpa headed home to get ready for their Christmas company and we hurried to get ready for church! Oh the fun of taking pictures when everyone is tired and grumpy!!
I love Christmas programs at church. It is my favorite Sunday of the year. This year we were lucky to have it on Christmas day. What a great reminder of the birth of our Savior. Perfect way to spend the day.
After church we went to Susan's to have dinner and open a few presents. The kids had a blast playing and being together.

Our festivities weren't over! Monday the kids and I headed to Mtn. View while Brent took the missionaries ice fishing. It was fun to see the Hamblin cousins. I got a migraine headache that morning and so I was loads of fun. I spent the day sleeping and feeling sick. Thank goodness I have such wonderful parents and siblings. They took care of all four kids all day for me!

That night Steven and Vicki came into town. The rest of the week was filled with cousin time, sleep overs, throwing up, visiting and eating way too much junk!!

It makes me exhausted just writing all of this down. It was such a fun couple of weeks. It is good to be back to a normal routine though.

Yay for Christmas and all the goodness that comes with it!!

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