Sunday, December 04, 2011

Winter time fun

We've had our share of winter storms lately. These pictures are from the first real snow fall that we had back at the beginning of November. Yup, that's what kind of blogger I've been lately. The kids had so much fun playing together. It was even fun for me. They are getting big enough to put most of their own snow clothes on. Bridger has learned in kindergarten and it is so nice. Its the little things that I really appreciate these days.
We are in the middle of winter now, I'm afraid. Long gone are the snow storms that the sun comes out and melts 75% of the snow. Only the bitter cold follows the snow storms these days! I guess that is what we get for living in Wyoming.

Just as a little side note: we were completely ready for the first snow this year. Everyone had coats, hats, snow pants, and boots. GO US!!

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