Sunday, December 04, 2011

9 1/2 months

Hudson is now almost 10 months old. So hard to believe. He is so much fun. He is mobile and able to mostly entertain himself. He tries so hard to keep up with the other kids. You can usually find him right in the middle of everything. Luckily is really easy going. That could be because he is the last one and has to be patient with everyone and all that goes on around him. He is quick to give a smile. He has six teeth. The poor little guy takes forever to break teeth. That usually means that he is drooling constantly and has a runny nose quite a bit. What can you do? He pulls himself up to everything and everyone. This is usually the view of him that I get while trying to make dinner or lunch or do pretty much anything. I think he may learn to walk this way.

We love our little Hudson boy.

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