Monday, March 14, 2011

busy busy!

So I guess the best way to snap out of a funk is force your way out! Thanks for all the kind words. I was really ok...just felt like life was passing me by and I couldn't do anything about it. I know that these feelings come after every baby, I just hate them. Lucky for me we are on the downhill side of the newborn stage and we have survived!

I really do hope to get on here and add pictures...but, just for the record here is what we've been up to so I don't forget:

  • Hudson is growing like a weed. He will be a month old on Wednesday!
  • I survived Brent's first shift back to work since Hudson was born. Only a couple of melt downs. Once I forced myself to get out of the house and take the kids with me we all did much better.
  • State basketball. Yes. we took all 4 kids to Casper for 5 days and we all survived...and even had some fun.
  • Teresa Lewis, our friend from Douglas, passed away on Friday so we are headed back to Douglas for the funeral on Wednesday.
I am hoping once we get back from Douglas that things will slow down a bit for us. The kids have been troopers and we are all dead tired but it is a good tired. I feel so much better.

1 comment:

Jami said...

We just decided to have another baby. Our fourth... when our first was over nine years ago. My last one will turn two this month... and I still remember all too well the post-pregnancy "haze". Only this time, it was full blown post-pardum depression, I'm sure. Hated it. Funny how even that's not enough to rule out having another one... keep focusing on the good, it will eventually be all you see. ;)