Sunday, March 20, 2011

State Cheer/Basketball

Tuesday while at work Brent called to see if I wanted to go to state. Of course I did. It is no fun staying home while everyone else gets to go have fun. We did have a practical side that told us it might not be the most fun we've ever had. I mean Hudson was only 3 weeks old at this point.

We debated and finally decided if there was a room available that we would go. I checked different hotels and found one. After checking with my AD secretary neighbor (who books hotels for the school activities and knows if they are ok or not) that the hotel wasn't too bad we decided we could go. Keep in mind this was about 6:30 and we had to be leaving by 8AM the next morning. We hadn't even started packing. We didn't tell the kids because we were still debating. We got as much packed as we could before bed, made a fast Wal-Mart run, and headed to bed.

The next morning we woke up bright and early and only told the boys that we were going on an "adventure". Bridger had been telling everyone that: "we don't get to go to state this year...but NEXT year when we go we would go swimming (or whatever)". We amazingly got out the door by about 8:30 and headed on our way. Bridger couldn't believe it when we told him we were headed to state. I think he was most excited to see all of his cousins that had been talking about going. Now he wasn't left out and he was happy!

The trip went really smooth. We met up with Brent's mom, sister, grandparents, uncle and aunt in Rock Springs and they were surprised to see us. We still hadn't told anyone of our plans.

The weekend started out, as usual, with the state spirit competition. It is always the longest night of the weekend but it was fun to see Coley, Carley, and Annie compete and do well. The cheerleaders got 4th in stunt, and the dancers got 4th overall.
This is how the little boys kept entertained for the night. Two ipods (the best purchase of our life) and a Nintendo ds.
Coley and the cheerleaders doing their non-stunt routine (I think).

The first night in the hotel. Our room was great. It had a queen bed, a fold out full bed (that the boys slept on and thought was so cool), a couch, table and 4 chairs, and then the regular hotel stuff too. It was nice and spacious so we didn't ever feel cramped. Very nice for traveling with 4 small children. Not too bad for getting it the night before. I mean it was no Marriott but it worked.

Of course there was dinner at Sanford's...and lots of other great places. We even went out with most of the adults to a steak house one night. The kids got pizza at the hotel. Thank goodness for older cousins who are so nice to babysit for us.

Swimming. I am pretty sure that Bridger thought this is all we should be doing. Corbin was a littel slower to warm up to the freezing (or so I'm told) water. Once they were in it was hard to get them out.

All four of our little munchkins on the last night. Reagan didn't get to sleep in the bed with them but she loved being up there with them. Mostly bugging them!

We did go to the basketball games too! They started at 9AM two days in a row. I'm happy to say that we were able to get there for the start of them both days! Pretty impressive if you ask me. If we didn't have the older girls there to help with our kids I'm not sure we would have had as much fun. They were so good to take the kids and play with them or let them run. Our kids actually did the very best at the late games. I think it was that there weren't any other kids to play with so they actually watched the basketball game.

It was a fun adventure. I am excited to do it next year with no babies! Last year was a 5 month old and this year a 3 week old. So are we crazy? Probably a little bit but it helped us to get used to carting all of them around.

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