Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blessing day

He was such a good boy all day. Right after he was blessed he spit up all down the back of Brent's suit. Our family is always happy to provide entertainment in Sacrament meeting!

all four chillins. you can imagine what a feat this picture was!
Hudson is enduring!

Apparently the people who sell blessing outfits thought that it was spring and only had shorts. Apparently they weren't thinking of babies in Wyoming!

Brent blessed Hudson on Sunday. It was our first week back to church since he was born. I'm happy to say that we all survived. The blessing was beautiful and we were lucky to share the day with lots of family. Brent's cousin Mark blessed his baby the same day. We live in the same ward and so there was lots of family from all sides! There were actually more visitors than actual ward members in Sacrament meeting.
After church we had a dinner at the Days Inn. Yummy food and good company. Did I remember my camera? No. Sad, sad. There were about 110 people that we fed and it all tasted so yummy. Roast, potatoes, rolls, salad, and dessert. What more could you ask for?
Thanks to everyone who came to support us and show Hudson a little love.

1 comment:

Tara Mogle said...

so sweet! he looks just like the rest of 'em! Love his little outfit, even if he has to wear shorts in the winter, in Evanston anyway!

Hope you guys are doing well.

I have a package coming your way...if I ever make it to the post office with all three kids!?!?