Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 weeks

late one night we took pictures instead of going to sleep

check out his hands. he did this all on his own.

Wow. After a slow start time is really starting to fly with this little guy. It is hard to believe that he is 6 weeks old today. I took him to his 2 week well child check last week at 5 weeks. Can you tell he is the youngest? Sorry buddy. I promise to not do this to you your whole life. Anyway...He was up to 8 pounds something and 21 inches long. The Dr didn't give me any percentages. I'm guessing he's still kind of small.
He is getting life figured out. Oh wait, maybe that is me. He sleeps through the night and has mostly since he was about 3-4 weeks old. We are blessed. He likes to be held, which isn't a bad thing, to go to sleep most of the time. We'll enjoy it for now and break him of the habit later! He tolerates so much from his siblings and is pretty laid back about most things. My favorite thing is his smile. He breaks them out randomly and so there aren't any on camera yet...but soon. We love our little Hudson or beebee as Reagan calls him.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Collette! Can I just say how awesome it is that Hudson is sleeping through the night! I bet that is so wonderful for you! Our almost 8 month isn't even sleeping through the night! Your family is adorable.